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Typescript and Angular Crash Course
First Section
Overview Of Typescript Course (3:04)
Requirements (2:42)
Setting up for typescript (7:28)
Typescript Crash Course
Using TSLint (8:55)
Declare Variables (4:39)
Declaring Types (12:13)
Arrow Function (6:06)
Where's all the other features? (4:43)
Interfaces (9:43)
Classes and objects (9:33)
Creating Methods (10:46)
Public Private and Protected (14:41)
Declare properties from constructor (4:19)
Getters and Setters (5:33)
Implement Interface To A Class (5:37)
Class Inheritance (19:41)
Modules (11:06)
Angular 8+ Basics
What is Angular plus installation (3:02)
Our First Angular App (9:41)
Components are everywhere (9:28)
Our First Angular Component (13:15)
Generate a component (7:19)
Template Interporlation (6:40)
Services and Dependencies Injections (9:46)
Using Directives (8:32)
Generate a service (4:42)
Angular Cheat Sheet
Directives and Bindings
ngIF (7:24)
ngSwitch (6:37)
Going Over nForOf (7:41)
ngClass (9:08)
ngStyle (4:09)
Property Binding (3:03)
Class Binding (1:40)
Style Binding (3:15)
Event Binding (10:20)
Two Way Data Binding (5:15)
Project 1 Tabs Component
Overview and Generate Component (2:38)
Create HTML & CSS for component (19:08)
Select Tab Logic (6:41)
Show selected Tab Content (6:21)
Final touches project 1 (3:50)
Reusable Components
Pass Data from parent to child (13:31)
Passing Down Methods From Parent to Child (5:23)
using ng-content (5:42)
using ng-container (3:55)
How your styles are scoped (6:45)
Using Output Decorator To Pass Down Methods (11:56)
How does a router work (2:15)
Adding bootstrap to our app (8:30)
setting up our routes (10:38)
Organize our app with a template layout (8:08)
Linking with routerLink (6:14)
Getting Params from routes (11:41)
Getting Query Params (3:22)
Navigate Router (9:15)
Project 2 - Movie App
Setting Up Our Movie App (3:42)
Make sure you are using bootstrap (2:45)
New Build structore for our application (5:48)
Setting up basic routing (8:25)
Organize the App even more (11:05)
Homepage HTML CSS (34:29)
Create a Service for Movie Data (10:56)
Movie Page HTML and CSS (23:19)
Logic for the movie page (23:12)
Schedule page html and css part 1 (36:27)
schedule html n css part 2 (31:08)
Navigate to schedule page (7:42)
choose time of movie (8:44)
Choose amount of tickets (8:25)
Reserving Seats (19:37)
reserving seats part 2 (28:41)
Navigate to the checkout page (14:58)
Final Video Thank you Page (31:55)
Complete Files
Overview and Generate Component
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