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HTML & CSS Workshop Live
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Live Wednesday 7PM
2024 Replays
Jan-03-2024 Email and Project Debugging, Q&A (73:03)
Jan-10-2024 Portfolio Projects, Debugging, Q&A (100:34)
Jan-17-2024 Debugging (75:22)
Feb-21-2024 Q&A, Debug code (58:44)
Feb-28-2024 Debug code, CSS Grid Demo (67:24)
Mar-13-2024 Debug Code, Q&A (84:11)
Mar-27-2024 Q&A (58:33)
Apr-10-2024 Debugging, Q&A (70:13)
Apr-17-2024 Q&A, Debugging, Portfolio talk (106:56)
Apr-24-2024 Code Debugging, Portfolio review, Q&A (91:38)
May-01-2024 Email Debugging, Q&A (94:13)
May-08-2024 Portfolio Projects, Q&A (75:51)
May-15-2024 Debugging code, Website Chat, git debug (81:35)
May-22-2024 Debugging Code, Q&A (95:19)
May-29-2024 Q&A, Code Debugging (103:01)
June-05-2024 Debugging, Q&A (136:43)
June-26-2024 Q&A (82:11)
July-03-2024 Q&A, Portfolio Review (91:01)
July-10-2024 Interview Q&A, Code debugging (89:40)
July-17-2024 Email debugging, WP debugging, Q&A (220:15)
July-31-2024 Code Demo (responsive multi-column layout with grid & flexbox), WordPress, Q&A (111:12)
Aug-07-2024 WordPress, MJML, Dev tools, Q&A (76:03)
Aug-14-2024 Landing page & Email Debugging (130:36)
Aug-21-2024 Debugging (122:07)
Aug-28-2024 Email Debugging (144:55)
Sept-04-2024 Email Debugging (124:26)
Accountability Meeting
Oct-16-2023 Accountability meeting - Portfolios, Projects, Q&A, Job Updates (71:42)
2023 Replays
01-04-2023 Improve Your Portfolio Hero Section & Debugging Session (88:56)
01-11-2023 Your Portfolio About Me Section & Debugging Session (50:08)
01-18-2023 Email Table Structure and Responsiveness with media queries & General Discussions (112:57)
01-25-2023 Skillshare Email part 1 & Freelance Portfolio Talk (111:22)
02-01-2023 Skillshare Email part 2 (73:18)
02-08-2023 Skillshare Email part 3 and debugging session (158:20)
02-15-2023 Skillshare Email part 4 and debugging session (144:32)
02-23-2023 Git and GitHub Part 1 - The Basics: Learn Markdown, Create a repo on local machine and push to GitHub, Create a repo on Github and clone to your local machine and push changes to Github (121:52)
03-01-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 1 - Pure CSS Navbar and debugging session (149:44)
03-08-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 2 - Hero Section and debugging session (133:55)
03-15-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 3 - About Section and Q&A session (114:45)
03-22-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 4 - Services Section and Q&A session (81:45)
03-29-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 5 - CTA and Trainers Section and Q&A session (110:12)
04-05-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 6 - Pricing Section and general discussions (82:15)
04-12-2023 - Out of Tutorial Hell Part 7 - Footer Section & Bug Fixes and Q&A plus Debugging Session (179:17)
04-19-2023 - Transactional Email Part 1 and Debugging Session (173:30)
04-26-2023 - Transactional Email Part 2 (135:25)
05-03-2023 - Pseudo Elements (30:33)
05-10-2023 - Pseudo Elements in Practice (Fancy button, gradient border, animated card border, text) and Debugging Session (229:26)
05-17-2023 - Intro to SCSS (sass) Part 1 (setup, variables, partials) (33:08)
05-24-2023 - Intro to sass Part 2 (nesting, mixin, inheritance) - Responsive CSS Navbar (81:00)
05-31-2023 - Intro to sass part 3 (hero section) and debugging session (133:58)
06-14-2023 - Intro to sass part 5 (Build menu cards) and discussions (120:45)
06-21-2023 - Responsive Promo Email Part 1, debugging code, troubleshooting node installations and installing nvm (153:03)
07-05-2023 - Dribbble Design to HTML and CSS Part 1 (Getting Assets and Navigation) (129:46)
07-12-2023 - Dribbble Design to HTML and CSS Part 2 (Hero Section) and discussions (157:02)
07-19-2023 - Dribbble to HTML and CSS Part 3 (CTA & Responsive Product Grid) and discussions (104:56)
07-26-2023 - Dribbble to HTML and CSS Part 4 (About Us and Logo Grid), debugging, discussions (116:18)
08-02-2023 - Dribbble to HTML and CSS Part 5 (Testimonial Slider with functionality), discussions, debugging (110:56)
08-09-2023 - Dribbble to HTML and CSS Part 6 (Footer), Project Next Steps, discussions (135:04)
08-16-2023 - Pure HTML CSS Responsive Navbar, debugging session (101:03)
08-23-2023 - CSS Selectors in Practice - Build testimonial cards, Q&A session (89:38)
08-30-2023 - Image Optimization Part 1 : (An Overview), discussions (57:54)
09-06-2023 - CSS Background Property and Simple Parallax Example, Discussions (48:42)
09-13-2023 - Image Optimization Part 2 : (Squoosh and webp), Q&A, Debugging (47:01)
09-20-2023 - Flex vs grid, debugging, Q&A (64:58)
09-27-2023 - Office Hours (58:52)
10-04-2023 - Office Hours, PurgeCSS, Debugging, Q&A (119:57)
10-18-2023 - Office Hours, Projects, Q&A (63:24)
10-25-2023 - Office Hours, Upwork Client Red Flags, Debugging (50:57)
11-08-2023 - Office Hours, Debugging, Q&A (50:54)
11-29-2023 - Office Hours, Q&A, Code Debugging (90:15)
12-06-2023 - Office Hours, Q&A, Code Debugging (66:09)
12-13-2023 Office Hours, Portfolio Talk, Project Review, Q&A (61:39)
12-20-2023 Office Hours, Portfolio Projects, Course help, Q&A (81:16)
2022 Replays
First Day - Build a Hero (176:52)
Day 2 - BEM (37:22)
Day 3 - Food App (155:49)
Day 4 - Build a hero section with sass (SCSS) (77:17)
Day 5 - CSS Selectors Project Deep Dive (Intermediate level Project) (43:46)
Day 6 - CSS Selectors 1 (41:58)
Day 8 - Course Debug Session (52:16)
Day 9 - Inheritance, Specificity, The Cascade (115:01)
Day 10 - Emmet (94:01)
Day 10 - Debug Session (59:56)
Day 11 - CSS Position (Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky) (86:41)
Day 12 - CSS Position Projet (98:39)
Day 13 - Display Property (48:58)
Day 14 - Flexbox: Flex Direction (40:02)
Day 15 - Flexbox: Order, flex-wrap, overflow, flex (flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis) (53:55)
Day 16 - HTML Email Part 1 (86:35)
Day 17 - HTML Email Part 2 (96:42)
Day 18 - Flexbox: Alignment (62:46)
Day 19 - Responsiveness and Media Queries (72:51)
Day 20 - Responsive Images (specifically) (97:07)
Day 21 - Discussion Session (148:04)
Day 22 - Discussion: Portfolios & Templates - Portfolio structure and how to select a theme (61:36)
Day 23 - Build a responsive nav and hero section (104:58)
Day 24 - Install NVM (Node Version Manager), set up Foundation for Emails, and general discussions (100:01)
Day 25 - Discussion Session (94:15)
Day 26 - Chrome (Browser) Developer Tools (35:28)
Day 27 - Alignment practice: 6 ways to center content (25:48)
Day 28 - CSS Position practice: Interactive session with 4 examples (56:05)
Day 29 - Discussion Session and general debugging (122:48)
Day 30 - Debugging Session (Code review) (193:13)
Day 31 - Build Email with MJML Framework (131:41)
Day 32 - Make "Frosted" background with blur and General Discussions (110:07)
Day 33 - CSS Selectors Practice with interactive examples (89:50)
Day 34 - Flexbox Layout Practice with 4 examples and general discussions (97:37)
Day 35 - Build a Product Grid (94:32)
Day 36 - Build a landing page (responsive navbar) Part 1 (71:59)
Day 37 - Build a landing page (hero section) Part 2 (55:33)
Day 37 - Debugging session (9:29)
Day 38 - Build a landing Page (agent section) Part 3 (56:06)
Day 38 - Build a landing page (feature section) Part 3 (46:31)
Day 39 - Build a landing page (property cards) Part 4 (48:34)
Day 39 - Discussion: Responsive email, portfolio (38:30)
Day 40 - Discussion + Build a landing page (showcase section) part 5 (120:12)
Day 43 - Debugging Session (60:45)
FurniShop - Furniture Landing Page
Rentals Real Estate landing Page
Making custom code snippets for vscode Part 1 (33:52)
Making custom code snippets for vscode Part 2 (7:42)
Coding Games For Practice
12-20-2023 Office Hours, Portfolio Projects, Course help, Q&A
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