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Future-Proof Javascript
Requirements (2:51)
How to use repl it (2:04)
Javascript Syntax (14:32)
Data types (22:57)
Operators (20:30)
Numbers (integers)
what do integers look like? (5:38)
Integers Methods (3:48)
Integers exercises (0:45)
Answers to integers (3:49)
what are strings used for? (2:00)
Methods for Strings (5:42)
String Exercise (1:26)
what is an array? (5:53)
Array Methods (5:57)
Array Exercises (1:19)
Array Answers (5:09)
what are objects? (9:48)
More Information On Objects (10:17)
Object Exercises (1:31)
Object answers (7:19)
what are functions? (14:55)
Functions Exercise (1:07)
answers to function exercise (6:02)
Control Flow
If and else (9:24)
switch statement (6:31)
For Loop (6:41)
while loop (3:29)
Do while loop (1:35) Loop (3:11)
For..of Loop (3:16)
Loops Exercises (2:07)
Loops Answers (13:01)
DOM Manipulation
The Document Object Model (8:17)
Select then Manipulate (10:40)
Create an Element (9:38)
Working With Events (8:10)
Project 1: Notifications
Overview (2:22)
Breaking the steps (4:54)
Declare all Elements (5:22)
Looping in the while (7:01)
Add Remove Class (13:11)
Final Notification (10:40)
Project 2: Pokemon Battle Game
Lets build a Pokemon Game (10:26)
Web Developer Starter Kit (6:18)
Setting up our project (9:11)
2 views for this project (3:50)
User Selects a Pokemon (9:36)
Keeping Track of gameState (3:16)
Let the CPU pick (6:41)
Change Stage (12:30)
Setup Pokemon DB (7:01)
Change Character Images (14:03)
psudo code (9:18)
Choosing Attack (9:02)
Logic for attacks (9:38)
calculate health (11:41)
Health minus attacks (17:24)
and the winner is (25:28)
Lets Clean up (21:39)
ui health (17:36)
Don't choose my Pokemon (4:12)
More Videos Coming!
Logic for attacks
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